Adoption information
Why do Blue Weimaraners end up for adoption?
There are many reasons why Blue and Grey Weimaraners need adopting, but the following are the most common reasons:
New owners not knowing or understanding the true needs of a Weimaraner and are unable to cope.
Change of circumstance, loss of family home, loss of financial stability, break-up of a marriage/relationship. Employment loss, work hours. Ill health/death of an owner. All are contributing factors to many dogs being rehomed via rescue.
A new baby joining the family, owners do not have time to exercise/stimulate the dog daily.
Work patterns have changed and the dog is being left all day and becomes bored, resulting in destructive behaviours, or barking constantly.
From the cute puppy stage to the teenage/adult dog, Weimaraner’s will test their owner, pushing for dominance, either with its owner or other dogs in the pack or outside the home.
If siblings from the same litter have been sold and they then start fighting. This can also occur in dogs of a similar age range and sex.
What Does a Rescue Weimaraner Need?
Above all else, your rescue dog is going to need time and commitment from you. In many adoption cases we see dogs with behavioural issues; more often than not, it is due to lack of attention, lack of training or plain ignorance from the owner(s).
Weimaraners are a stunning, yet complex dog. What was once a rare breed, the Weimaraner has now become almost a fashion accessory, mainly due to its elegant lines and unique colour. However, these are dominant, energetic dogs who have been bred to hunt; left 'unchaneled' this breed can develop issues. If you have never owned Weimaraners in the past, you must do your research and get to know what a Weimaraner is like; know the traits of the breed and make yourself familiar with their needs before you even consider adopting a Weimaraner.
You must be willing to invest your time with the dog. You must be willing to commit to training with the dog. You must understand that adjustments take time and will not happen overnight. If you cannot do these things, BWR&R (UK) will not even consider you as an applicant. After all, we are looking for 'forever' homes for each of our rescue Weimaraners and placing a dog into a similar situation it has just left, is negligent on our behalf and counter-productive for both dog and adopter.
What are your first steps to adopting?
If the breed is unknown to you, once you have completed your research and feel you are able to commit and you still have your heart set on adopting a Weimaraner, you will need to fill out our adoption Eligibility Questionnaire. Once we receive this, assuming you have reached the preliminary adoption criteria, we will contact you and send you a more in depth Adoption Questionnaire via email. Once this has been received, we will have a better understanding of your personal circumstances, knowledge and experience, enabling us to match a suitable dog with you. Once this has been done, we begin the adoption process.
We arrange a home visit by a member and where applicable (their dog) to meet all the family (within household) and any other family pets.
They assess your family requirement, home environment, gardens and future ambitions (working, agility or just a family pet). If you have never owned a Weimaraner then please read our page ‘Living With a Weimaraner'. You need to be fully aware of what owning this breed entails and if it is suitable for your lifestyle.
When a suitable dog has been found we will discuss the dog with you. This is not a first come first served rescue as we need to ensure that each dog is placed with the most suitable home.
You will be asked to sign an Adoption Form. If at any time you cannot keep the dog, BWR&R(UK) MUST be notified immediately and the dog returned to us for rehoming. The dog remains the property of BWR&R(UK) for the remainder of its lifetime.
Our adopted dogs must NEVER be bred from and if not already neutered you will be required to do this.
We require that insurance is taken out.
We insist that all of our adopted Weimaraners are registered with a qualified Veterinarian and have the necessary health checks and vaccinations.
We require a DONATION - this money goes towards the cost of dog transportation, kennelling (when necessary), food and Veterinary fees whilst dogs are fostered in our care.